Little Free Library Scavenger Hunt - Resource Guide


If you are participating in the LFL Scavenger Hunt as one of the stops on the route and you would like to decorate or make additional crafts for giveaways or as activity kits that kids can do at home, check these ideas out!


if you want to decorate your LFL for the day, you can do so pretty inexpensively. NOTE: Check with the Coordinator of your LFL hunt to see if someone is already doing a particular activity. That way, everyone isn’t giving out tangerines and book marks.

Whether the theme of your hunt is nocturnal creatures, gnomes or farm animals you can check the hobby, dollar, thrift or online stores for characters, or other fun stuff. Want lighting? Use a string of holiday lights, get a battery operated stick on tap light or fairy twinkle lights with a timer. Jennifer Bourquin has a lighted LFL in North Park San Diego (pictured here) that has a small container for a “Dog Library”, and a “Kindness Box” filled with book marks, pencils, erasers, pet rocks, bouncy balls, reading buddies (little toy animals).

If you’d like to print a description of why you started the LFL you can write something up or just copy what’s listed on the LFL map and then post it out by your library. People like to know the backstory of LFLs.


If you’d like to hand out something extra at your stop, consider oranges from a tree, book marks or some other little wrapped snack. It’s impossible to know how many people to expect so feel free to make/give what you are comfortable with and let it be first come first serve (ie - first 25 people get a pinwheel). Just make sure whatever you do that things are wrapped, can be self-serve and that there is hand sanitizer available.

Dragon Themed Ideas

Check out these fun 15 Dragon Crafts for kids to make from Artsy Craftsy Mom or perhaps you want to make a dragon cake with your kids? Here is are instructions on how to make that happen. Try dragon rock painting like Noele Hall of Canada. Lastly, here is a template for some Dragon Bookmarks you can print on thick paper to hand out to kids.

Gnome / Fairy Craft Theme Ideas

Looking for activities for people to do at a stop or craft kits you could make that kids could take home to do? Here are gnome coloring sheets and some ideas for building gnome or fairy gardens or related crafts to add to the mystique around your LFL. You can also check out these Gnome and Fairy Bookmarks you can download onto card stock, laminate and cut out.

Gnome Notes

For our gnome theme we have added a fun way for kids to get credit for their time unplugged, to support a worthy cause and engage in good old fashion letter writing.

Download these Gnome Notes and kids can write to Gnomer Simpson (and get a letter back!) and start tracking their time unplugged. For every 30 min unplugged we will donate 3 pairs of socks to Knock Knock Give a Sock program.

Incorporate a Gnome Hunt

Plan a gnome hunt, hiding gnomes (or even gnome doors) all around one LFL yard or spread out gnomes across several LFLs. Have people enter their guess at the last stop as to how many gnomes reside in the area and then do a drawing and give a prize to the winner. Depending on your property and the area, you may need to place your gnomes up high so they aren’t taken or even using just gnome cutouts that can go in a LFL window. Check with your LFL route coordinator to see if they want to do this with all or some of the stops or if not, you can do it just at your stop. The Coordinator Guide has a flyer that can be used for this activity.

Want to order Gnome books for your stop?

If you would like to order some books for your stop or to use as prizes as well you can check these fun Gnome-related titles out:

Sherlock Gnomes: On the Case

No No Gnome


If you have a tiny LFL and want to put out extra books for the hunt or you know someone who may want to participate but doesn’t have the ability to put a permanent structure up, here are some ideas. Put out plastic bins, a basket, old chest or other creative holders. Check out these mobile LFLs for ideas using interesting pet carriers and doll tents (pictured here). Heidi Fenner of Manton Michigan uses a crate when she is camping. This is great for a business or someone who has an apartment or HOA that won’t allow a permanent LFL. Get creative!


The Evening Routine of a DIGITAL MINIMALIST


Unplugged Inspiration: Earthscape Artist Andres Amador